Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Time to "top kill" big oil

If you have that feeling of pulling out your hair and screaming about the Gulf oil spill you are not alone... BP has proven that money and greed rule the day. The greatest environmental disaster in American history could have been prevented by a $500,000.00 device that is mandatory in most civilized countries, but not in good ole oil lobbied USA. Thousands, perhaps millions of fish and wildlife will die. Marine ecosystems will be forever changed, but will it ever get us away from the cars we depend on.

We need to "top kill" big oil. It's time has come to an end. Can you see a windmill, or solar panel causing this much destruction? The talk that we are still years away from this technology is crap. Check it out yourself, there are many places that do not rely on oil. The problem is how much the US has invested in big oil. Without it, is unchartered waters (abeit oil-free).

But now is the time. We will be reminded that we need alternative energy systems, each time another dolphin washes up on the beach and the photos of the white sandy beaches of Florida covered in a black sheen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now we need hope for Obama's hope

It has nearly been a year since Obama took power. It was not a fingernail result like when Gore won and then apparently didn't win back in 2000 - yes b4 9/11. Obama won in style, even in some "red" states. (insert your own insult here about red states). But today, in Mass the so-called democratic stronghold, a republican nobody (well he has a truck) won Ted Kennedy's seat that he only held for 47 years. (Mini-series movie idea - Kennedy campaigned most of his life for health care reform and because of his death and a republican win - it appears as if the bill will be even worse then it is now, if anything at all).

Which brings us back to Obama. If you read the news and I hope you do, unless you are happy then I would recommend not reading the news - it gets in the way - you may have noticed that whatever Obama does is critically examined, questioned, and analyzed more then any other president in history.

Message to American brothers and sisters - what the fuck is going on in your country. It is like everyone in the country has forgotten eight years - yes eight years of republican policy, two wars and a financial crisis. Do you really believe a new president elected a year ago is expected to come in and end two wars and bring the country out of debt in a year? What planet are you guys on - the planet of microwave change - instant policy oatmeal, twittered national solutions. Give the guy some time for God's sake.

Sure the health care bill sucks - but hey why not thank Liebermann for that- look closely he looks remarkably like a weasel. Remember the public option would have been in the senate bill and would have passed if it werent for him. Do not forget this. Obama could push more, but then again, he does not have absolute power - which is a myth that many Americans forget - perhaps because it did not seem that way during the "good old years" of Bush Cheney or should I say Cheney Bush.

However questions need to be asked. Where is Obama - the hope Obama - the Obama who said things were going to change - did they get to you - did they threaten your family - because you have changed and are playing a different game - if your going to lose anyway why not go full force?

Obama you need to accept this Brown guy's challenge to a basketball game and kick his ass, then Liebermanns, Wall Street and the insurance companies and all of those other corrupt bastards that are shackling you from real progressive agenda that you have to harbour inside if you truly understand what compassion is. Then we will then again have hope for your hope - instead of a 2012 looking like another bad dream of despair.

P.S. The really scary thing is GW Bush also had a truck and so does Sarah Palin.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's hope we get our shit together in 2010

We should be thinking about 2009 as a year that accomplished the unthinkable - a president of the united states who didnt fit the mold. The orator who still seems to smart to be president. (Side note to Pres. Obama - Just what exactly are you thinking. It seems lately that you are reading words from papers that are not your own and you are not convincing) However, even in a time of "greatness" it becomes more apparent how screwed we really are:

1) China is the worlds superpower. When China's premier sulked out of the Copenhagen meeting it became evident that coupled with the US dependence on paying back the trillions to China and capitalist obsession with cheap useless items, that one of the oldest countries in the world is no longer third world, but our world.

2) Americans simply dont care that millions of other Americans will die. It's true. Of course it is not every American, but this so called health care reform is exactly the type of thing that citizens should get their right to bare arms and hands to give the finger to the insurance companies who control who lives and who dies.

3) Anti-social networking. Somehow we are becoming creatures who instead of communicating with real people, we need devices to communicate with real people. A strange species who spends their time looking into little rectangles.

2010 can be a new start. It wont change the three things that became painfully obvious in 2009, but what it does mean is that if we dont get our shit together we are going to lose the so-called freedoms that we hold onto. It is not news to say that corporations control governments. But what should be a concern is that our governments are being controlled by corporations to control us. For 2010, we need to learn Mandarin, get rid of Liebermann and other slime democrats, and talk to each other in person.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The unchanging climate of Copenhagen

Be concerned. Many of the worlds leaders are in Denmark and it is not for Carlsberg, Lego or danishes. Yes, apparently there is a common goal - to address the climate crisis. As a premise, it would be some kind of wonderful if leaders from these nations got together and decided that maybe this issue that every scientist who is not on a oil company payroll has decided is a very serious situation. Advisory alert - if you live near a cliff, river, ocean or lake, New Orleans, Richmond BC, Nederlands, etc. - time to start thinking about moving.

Copenhagen will prove nothing. As bleak as it is, there is no way that anything that is proposed will be followed. The real travesty is that we are in midst of a climate crisis and the last thing we need is more bureaucracy to be added to the situation. Until we get a "buy-in" from the oil/gas and all of those other polluting industries, the worlds leaders might better be shopping for blue cheese.

So what to do? Protest and boycotts? Perhaps. But, this is the question of our generation and perhaps of all time? Why are people so greedy?

For arguments sake, let's go with the "climategate" theory and the idea that human caused climate change is just a massive conspiracy held by 99.9% of climate scientists in the world. As a kid many of us were told, that anything is possible...

Ok. So let's say that its true. Does this mean that we should embrace greenhouse gases? Should we hope that in our communities that we can get more of these "harmless" gases, perhaps near schools if possible. Perhaps there are some island beaches that have tar and we can start some mini tar sands.
Wouldn't it be great?

The bottom line is, why on earth would anyone want to be involved with an industry that willingly pollutes, destroys the earth and jeopardizes the health of everything and everyone? Unfortunately, it comes down to that five letter word - Greed. You don't have to be Gandhi or the Buddha to see it, it is what it is all about. It is not the climate we need to change, it is us.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger, Tiger

TIGER, tiger, burning bright

have you lost your sight?

In the forests of the night,

was there no light?

What immortal hand or eye

seriously, why?

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

how many more lies?

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

or thighs?

On what wings dare he aspire?

you are going to need a new tire

What the hand dare seize the fire?

its all over the wire

And what shoulder and what art

really, really wasn't smart

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

one more family torn apart

And when thy heart began to beat,

what made you cheat?

What dread hand and what dread feet?

every party girl you did meet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

twas the golf club that caused the pain

In what furnace was thy brain?

Cheat on Elin are you insane?

What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

No one will forget this for years

And water'd heaven with their tears,

you better start drinking beers

Did He smile His work to see?

You are no longer free

Did He who made the lamb make thee?

A monogamous married man you will be

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

you have lost the fight

In the forests of the night,

someday she'll forgive you, she just might

What immortal hand or eye

travel alone when you fly

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

I heart Huckabee?

Gotta feel for Huckabee, his presidential bid is over. Perhaps one of the strongest candidates for the Republicans in the next round is going to have a really difficult time selling the traditional "republicans are tough on crime". Giving clemency to Clemmons turned out to be a bad idea, but how could he know this guy was gonna be a cop killa?

This is were it gets strange - because you cant really blame Huckabee. Clemmons appeal for clemency was a document full of words of a changed man, a man you found Jesus and God, a person who realized he hung with the wrong crowd and made mistakes in his youth. After all, Clemmons was only 17 when he got charged with a series of burglaries and bringing a weapon to school. His rap sheet didn't imply that he knew how to use it.

You can picture the situation. Huckabee sitting in his office surrounding by his favourite bible thumping neo-con advisors with a pile of papers to sign. Clemmons appeal comes up, he sees the officers recommendation for clemency and realizes he just has to add a signature to release this guy who has found god.

Huckabee, regardless of his asinine politics, backwards thinking and just plain ignorance, will be remembered as the guy who released the criminal who killed the cops and not the guy who fried squirrels in the popcorn popper.

"When we were in college we used to take a popcorn popper -- because that was the only thing they would let us have in the dorms -- and fry squirrels in the popcorn popper." Mike Huckabee

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kudos to Adam Lambert

As you may have heard American Idol's #2 last year Adam Lambert caused quite a stir at the useless AMA awards on Sunday night. He kissed his male keyboardist and part of his performance featured getting down and going down. Parents Television Council, ABC (part of Walt Disney) and homophobes, were outraged at the event. (Maybe they couldn't find the remote or figure out how to turn the tv off)

If you have ever watched the AMA (sorry) you realize that without the performances it would be yes, even worse. Taylor Swift won five awards - is today's music really in that bad of state?

The point is that what Adam did has been done several times on the stage but the catch is - it has been done by women. He realized that there was a double standard and puckered up.

It is amazing that in a country that promotes liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness that so many want to control what people do. You think that if America is really "free" that a little guy on guy action is par for the course.

So Kudos to Adam Lambert for breaking a barrier that even Bruno would be proud of, hopefully America will wake up, children will go to bed before prime time, parents will figure out that if they dont like it they can change the channel and maybe, just maybe, some will even realize that there is no black and white, but grey and gay.

When Lambert was asked the baited question "what he would change about his performance" he responded, "I would sing it a little bit better."

That my friends is a true star.